Friday, May 4, 2007

Blogger Vs. LiveJournal

My original perception of blogger was that it would be a very simple, easy to use blogging system. As I began to create my blog, other than deciding on whether to use my traditional on-line identity or to create a new one, creating a blog through blogger was an easy, guided experience. It was only when I began to attempt to modify my blog that I began to have difficulties. For some reason blogger will not allow me to upload photos or change anything other than the basic settings.

In comparison to my traditional blogging system, LiveJournal, as well as to MySpace, and Facebook, Blogger was one of the easiest to set up. Changing the settings was fairly straight forward and the site is easy to navigate. Although, I find it by far easier to upload my images on LiveJournal and Facebook.

Posting in Blogger also seems straight forward, however the extra options such as user pic's, tag's, ect. do not seem as cleanly laid out as on LiveJournal where their are scroll down menus for all excess posting options.

Although, I enjoy the cleanliness of the site, along with the easy maneuvering, I prefer LiveJournal for its extended options.

*Edit*~ Now that Blogger has frozen my computer (twice) I have decided that LiveJournal is by far a better blogging tool. This may seem harsh but as other Mac users know, freezing a Mac is a difficult thing to do!

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